
"During and after the Action Learning programme I made significant organisational changes, and learning from the programme was instrumental in helping me deliver savings to the organisation, effectively halving a significant budget without any detrimental consequences. The learning had helped me to achieve everything I'd been asked to deliver organisationally, and realise what was important to me, in terms of leading people. I have become true to my values and personal style and have enjoyed success in that. One recent project has become profitable 6 months ahead of schedule."  David Lawrence, Senior Manager, Financial Services

Learning at All Levels

It is clear in the current economic and social climate, that individuals and organisations that are not open to learning and change will not survive.  Those that are, will thrive.  Look around you, you will see businesses suffering because they could not learn and stay ahead of the change curve.  You will see individuals fighting for a place in a society they no longer understand. It is not a philisophical problem, it is a practical one - We need to learn how to learn.
Real lasting change doesn't happen by being temporarily impressed by charismatic presentations. It requires a process which puts action at the heart of the learning process and which is embedded with organisational systems related to the vision, strategy and performance management.  This is where the skills of an effective accredited action learning can help you and your organisation.  
By becoming an accredited Action Learning Facilitator you will learn:
  • How to position work based action learning in your organisation
  • The political awareness and skills to ensure success and that you add real value
  • The specific skills of working with a learning set to facilitate individual, team and organisational learning.